ABA is committed to coach education.  Each year ABA promotes coaches to the BNZ run Shuttle Time and BWF courses.  Additionally, ABA runs our own coaching courses each term for all our coaches, where we bring in outside experts to challenge how our coaches think and develop a culture of constant review and improvement.

We work closely with Aktive and Sport Auckland who provide high quality coach development opportunities for our coaches throughout the year.

ABA also provides First Aid training for contracted coaches.


ABA has signed up with the BNZ accredited coach program.  All ABA coaches are police vetted and have signed up to the Balance is Better principles/code of conduct.  ABA further has our own coach ID, which coaches are required to always wear so that participants can be assured they are qualified and accredited ABA coaches.


In a strategic shift to enhance the development of badminton players, Auckland Badminton has decided to discontinue sending coaches to individual tournaments. The organization believes that there is greater value in focusing on providing robust squad coaching and preparing players thoroughly before they compete.

ABA remains committed to developing our players to the highest standards, however, as we evaluated our resources and the needs of our athletes, we realized that our coaching efforts would be better spent on creating strong, well-rounded squads. By intensifying our focus on squad training, we can equip our players with the skills and strategies they need to succeed in any tournament.

Players will still have access to top tier coaching as part of their squad training. These sessions will be designed to prepare them for the challenges of tournament play, emphasizing not just technical skills but also mental toughness and strategic thinking. When it comes time to compete in individual tournaments, players will rely on the guidance of their private coaches.

Private coaches play a crucial role in a player's development, they know their athletes inside and out, understanding their unique strengths and areas for improvement. By leaving tournament coaching to private coaches, we ensure that each player receives personalized attention tailored to their specific needs.

In the long run, Auckland Badminton believes this strategy will lead to stronger, more competitive players who can represent the region on national and international stages. The shift marks a new chapter in the association's commitment to fostering excellence in badminton, ensuring that its athletes have the best possible foundation for success.